- Prof. McKay received the Super Reviewer Award from Environmental Science & Technology!
- Ahmad Beyhaqi joined the group as a PhD student working on electrochemical characterization of organic matter, welcome Ahmad!
- Shawnee Chavez and Anya Allen joined the group as MS students studying KrCl* 222 nm irradiation for water treatment
- Two long-awaited research articles on optical methods for organic matter characterization have been published by Prof. McKay, both in collaboration with Prof. Julie Korak at CU Boulder:one in ES&T the other in ESPI
- Angela Jung joined the group as a postdoctoral scholar. Welcome, Angela!
- Benjamin Fennell successfully defended his PhD dissertation. Congratulations Ben! Photo with committee
- Garrett received a Faculty Early Career Development Grant from (CAREER) from the NSF Division of Chemistry – Whoop! Link
- Benjamin Fennell received the Environmental Chemistry Graduate Student Award from the ACS Division of Environmental Chemistry
- We hosted Mr. Juan Aguilar from Lufkin, TX for a research experience for teacheres, supported by our ERASE-PFAS project from NSF
- Kai Cheng received a travel grant and was a winner of this year's CVEN graduate student poster compeition. Congrats Kai!
- Prof. McKay received the Excellence in Review Award from Environmental Science & Technology
- Hang Li passed her PhD student qualifying examination, congrats Hang!
- Benjamin Fennell became a licensed PE in the state of Texas, and also received $4000 in scholarships from AWWA
- Kai Cheng attended the Aquatic Photochemistry symposium at ACS San Diego 2021, rubbing shoulders with photochemistry greats like Silvio Canonica
- Abby Chapman and Shawnee Chavez joined the lab as undergraduate researchers
- Adam Odorisio graduated with his BS in Environmental Engineering and has taken a job at Garver, congrats Adam!
- Anya Allen, BS Biochemistry major, joined the group studying NOM optical properties
- Emilee Chrisman, a BS Environmental Engineering major from Cal Poly Pamona, joined the group in summer 2021 for a REU
- Lab equipment from Thermo Fisher, One Pointe Solutions, and Horiba has arrived! Time for lab setup!
- Benjamin Fennell, previously a project manager at Strand and Associates, joined the group as a PhD student
- Hang Li, a BS Chemistry graduate from Franklin & Marshall College, joined the group as a PhD student
- Prof. McKay joins A&M as an assistant professor in the Zachry Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering